

Royal Mail 48 hour tracked  £20.00  and under postage is £3.50

Royal Mail 48 hour Tracked all orders from £20.01  to 75.00  postage is £4.99 

Royal Mail 48 hour Tracked all orders over £75.00  postage is Free

Delivery to UK only

We reserve the right to ship via a different method at no additional cost if we deem it necessary.

Please Note - Heavy goods over 2kg may be dispatched in separate parcels or sent by courier at our discretion.

Local Click & Collect Free

Collection of your purchases can be made by telephoning 07379 691881 to arrange. Identification and your original order receipt will be required on collection. If someone is collecting for you that person must have your original order details and identification. Goods are normally ready for collection within 24 hours.

Packaging - We try to help the environment by recycling the packaging we receive from our suppliers, therefore your goods may not arrive in a brand new outer box. If the goods you have purchased are being sent as a gift to someone else then please let us know so we can package accordingly.